Sick and Hurting Tummies (2024)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

⚡️ Lee - he/him 🏳️‍⚧️ - In my 20s - Sin bin for belly kinks, tummy aches, stuffing, mpreg, etc. Pretty much anything about bellies in pain gets tossed here - Use to be Ewthatslewed but had to remake (I’m still Ewthatslewed on twitter though) -18+ only please ⚡️

Anonymous asked:

Just so you know you don’t need mods for mpreg on the sims 4, it’s built in the game, you can choose if your sim of any gender impregnates, gets pregnant, or neither

Sick and Hurting Tummies (2)

Ohhhhh that’s actually really nice!!!

ask anonymous chad sims for putting mpreg in their game lol belly kink mpreg

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Anonymous asked:

Same person who had the multi womb mpreg idea, but the idea of some poor man having to be permanently pregnant with 3 wombs is so good, him having to deal with such a weirdly shaped belly because of the 3 babies, even 6 (2 in each womb) would just widen his gut even more, the poor man would be struggling every day

Sick and Hurting Tummies (3)

oh yeah if there were multiples in each womb, that would make it even harder, twins or triplets in each one, sometimes one side of his belly is heavier than the other, or the front pushes out too much. He would just be getting use to the weight of his belly before he gives birth and empties one of his wombs, throwing off his balance all over again

ask anonymous mpreg hyper pregnancy hyper preg permanent pregnancy perma preg belly kink birth

Anonymous asked:

In mpreg, what's you limit on how much a man can carry??

Sick and Hurting Tummies (4)

typically I like it more on the extreme side but not anything super extreme. I’d say like if you made a circle with your arms thats about how big I like give or take. There’s exceptions of course, some of the bellies I draw are wayyyy bigger, but for the most part, too big for me personally is if the belly is wider then they are tall lol

ask anonymous mpreg belly kink hyper pregnancy hyper preg

Anonymous asked:

(related to the obscure robot AS show ask, Titan Maximum if curious) imagine the 19 year old, nerdy engineer brother of the team. He's been a giant fan of his brother's team since it started, and he's been overjoyed to be part of the team now, yet ever since his nieces were born, he's been secretely thinking of a baby. So imagine his shock when the eyepatched, defined cheekboned pilot he replaced seduces him and sweeps him off his feet. Should it matter that the nerd replaced him because(1/2)

Sick and Hurting Tummies (5)

said pilot went rogue and is now a supervillain? I suppose it won’t matter in 9 months…(2/2)

ooo, carrying the baby of a supervillain, I wonder if he would still feel for the boy, or if he’d forget about him and not care for the baby at all? That poor boy, having to go through his pregnancy alone, even though he has his team, he misses the father of his baby despite being angry at him for leaving

ask anonymous mpreg belly kink tm anon

Anonymous asked:

(TM ask anon here) imagine a rich, shiftless pretty boy son of the CEO of the solar systems top megacorps, a man known more for clubbing on 3 separate planets on the same night than his business acumen, shocks the public by revealing himself to be pregnant with twins. He absolutely reveals in media AND partygoer attention, but never quite reveals who the babies were fathered by. Although, the most wanted villain in the solar system probably had something to do with it

Sick and Hurting Tummies (6)

oohhh that sounds fun, maybe he tried to hide it at first but got outed somehow and now has to deal with everyone asking him about the baby and the father. What if when the supervillain finds out the boy is pregnant, he kidnaps him to have him all to himself?

ask anonymous mpreg belly kink tm anon

Anonymous asked:

random idea that just struck me: in some fantasy setting, certain days of the year are considered particularly lucky/prestigious/otherwise significant to have as birthdays. And the king of some realm is absolutely dead-set on having his first child be born on one of those days... so he uses every trick in the book to make sure his poor consort doesn't get to give birth until then. If he goes into labor on a day that isn't the one the king wants... oh well, that's his problem but nope, the baby can't be born yet sorry. he'll just have to suffer until the right day comes

Sick and Hurting Tummies (7)

It would be bad for them if he goes into labor a few days before the date and he’s forced to hold it in until the day, but it would be so much worse if they day comes and he doesn’t go into labor. He tries pushing without contractions, squeezing his swollen tummy, or drinking potions to start labor, but nothing works. The day comes and goes and the baby isn’t born.

Now that the special date has passed, he’ll have to wait until the next one, and it could be weeks, even months away. He’s already passed his due date and bound to go into labor very soon, but now if his water breaks, he won’t be allowed to push until the next date arrives. No matter how far away it is, how much the contractions hurt, or how big the baby grows inside him, he’ll have to wait.

ask anonymous mpreg birth denial belly kink

Anonymous asked:

Had a bit of a strange idea but here goes, a world where two people can only make a baby if they’re passionate enough about it, but the catch is if one is more enthusiastic about it than the other, the latter gets pregnant.

example: A and B are going at it, really into the moment and plowing into each other. A really wants to see B round with their baby, but turns out B wanted to see A round and heavy more. A then ends up pregnant and vows that once this baby is born, next time B will be the pregnant one. But B is always more into the idea of knocking A up than their partner is, so A is almost always pregnant, always promising themselves that next time they’ll get the upper hand.

Bonus: The more passionate you are, the higher chance of multiples.

Sick and Hurting Tummies (8)

Ajdbkandja that’s so funny, poor A, they want to get their partner pregnant sooooo bad, but B somehow always wants it just a little bit more. And they’re pity so passionate about it, it’s almost always twins or triplets…

ask anonymous mpreg belly kink they must have like 20 kids lmaooo I bet A gets so fed up and frustrated

Anonymous asked:

An astronaut, maybe part of a team of researchers working at the very edges of the space humans have explored, gets kidnapped by aliens. He's taken to some lab, experimented on, sometimes awake, sometimes unconscious, certainly never knowing what's being done to him.

Finally, though, he manages to escape, stealing an alien ship and plotting a course back to space dominated by humans. Space is large and distances are long, so even if nothing unexpected happens to slow the journey down, it'll be around nine months before he's there, give or take. He doesn't mind, though, so long as he gets back there he doesn't care how long it takes

But.. a while into the journey, he notices his belly begin to swell. Before long it's undeniable: somehow he's pregnant. With what, or how many, he doesn't know.

How does he manage the pregnancy, all alone in a stolen alien ship in the middle of wide empty space? Does it even progress the way a normal human pregnancy would, or does whatever's growing within him cause some weird (maybe horribly painful or otherwise difficult to deal with) side effects? Does he get back to other humans before he gives birth, or only after (or do others find his ship as he is in labor)?

Sick and Hurting Tummies (9)

He’s terrified of what’s growing inside him, not knowing what it is or how long or big its going to grow since he was unconscious for most of the experiments. He has no idea how he was implanted, so he’s not even sure there’s a way for whatever it is to come out. The aliens must have somehow put a synthetic womb inside him, but he doesn’t know if it connects to anything, and he has no way of finding out on his tiny escape pod.

Months and months go by, and his belly swells like a balloon, quickly rounding out and bigger and tighter with each passing day. His skin is stretched taut by the halfway mark, and he’s not sure how much more his tummy can take, hoping and praying it doesn’t grow much bigger or he’s scared he might burst. There’s not much else on the ship, so all he can do to pass the time is rub his belly and feel his stretched womb undulate beneath his skin as it warps around the creatures. He’s so big he can’t find any comfortable position to sit or lay in, his heavy belly always pinning him down or squishing his organs in some way.

Somehow, his body manages to keep stretching as his belly continues to grow, almost in range of rescue after many painful months. He has no idea how the creatures haven’t burst out and killed him by now, his belly is so huge, it looks like a grown man could fit inside his giant orb of flesh. The aliens must have done something to his body to allow it to stretch this far, because he’s sure any other human body would have long since split apart under the pressure.

It’s so huge he can’t move anymore, not that there was much room to begin with, trapped beneath his writhing gut. It hurts so much now that he can’t stop moaning and rubbing his swollen belly in pain, constantly feeling the unrelenting movements of the now massive creatures inside. They roll and kick within him, sending ripples through his tummy and making him scream and sob in agony. He begs them to stop, pleading for them to calm while he writhes beneath the monstrous swell, helpless against the unbearable pain. In pure desperation, he tries to push them out, screaming and clutching his tummy as he bares down with all his strength, but it only makes them thrash in anger. He tries and tries, delirious with pain, but nothing he does gets them to budge.

Finally, 9 months later when the pod reaches a human ship, they find him inside, sobbing weakly and begging to get them out of him. He wails and claws at his belly as they transport him to the med bay, barely able to breath under the weight. His belly his too big for him to fit into any healing pods, so he’s forced to lay on a table, wheezing for breath as he’s hooked up to life support. The doctors quickly set up an ultrasound to see what’s inside him, smearing cold gel all over his bruised skin and pressing the wand into his flesh.

They see his womb isn’t attached to anything, meaning the creatures had no way of coming out on their own, no matter how hard he tried to push. They also see that the creatures have actually become fully grown inside him. If he hadn’t escaped, the aliens that implanted them would have most likely removed them in time, but without them, they had kept growing to maturity inside his womb, leaving him with a belly full of adult sized aliens inside him.

The doctors look concerned with their findings, and step out of the room to discuss, leaving him alone in the cold white room. As he lays there on the table, moaning and crying in pain and watching his undulating belly in fear, he hears the doctors outside the door say how dangerous these creatures are. They seem to be unsure of how to handle his case, figuring out what to do with him next, and his heart drops when he hears one say they may not be able to remove the creatures due to the danger they pose to the rest of the ship. With the alien modifications that allow his belly to contain the creatures, he may be forced to hold them until another solution can be found…

ask anonymous mpreg hyper preg hyper pregnancy perma preg permanent pregnancy writings I really rambled on with this one but I like the idea of someone having a womb implanted that isnt attached to anything unable to give birth without outside help or bursting near bursting bursting belly kink

Anonymous asked:

Weird idea but I love the idea of multiwombs, like the idea of some pregnant man dealing with 2 babies in there own separate wombs, causing his belly to get wider whilst swelling, even better if he’s dealing with 3 separate wombs…. Plus the odd shaped belly is pretty nice too

Sick and Hurting Tummies (10)

Oh I love that idea too!!! I remember seeing some really good art of that by @flittermilk (who I don’t think is on tumblr anymore). Both scenarios where three pregnancies are synced, or each womb has a baby at a different stage are fun.

If all three are synced, the poor guy has to give birth to all three at the same time, feeling his babies fill his hips at the same time, all wanting to come out together. The three heads stretch him impossibly wide, but his body just can’t handle them all and they get stuck crowning, wedged so tightly he can’t get them out no matter how hard he pushes. Two have to be pushed back into their wombs so the first can fit through, then the second has to be held in place to let another out, and finally the last is able to be born. It would be such a long and painful process, he’d barely make it through.

If they’re in different stages though, he could be forced to constantly be pregnant. Each time he gives birth to one, that womb can be filled up immediately. He’ll be permanently pregnant, belly always big and round. With him giving birth every 3-4 months, his tummy will never be flat again, providing an endless amount of offspring.

ask anonymous mpreg birth permanent pregnancy perma preg belly kink

Anonymous asked:

It’s preg+stuffing anon back again to detail how I train my pbs not to want to escape.

Some people think you need to keep them in a cage or a jar, or keep them so permanently swollen that there’s no chance of moving let alone escaping. I don’t do any of that. Instead I just show them how good they’ll have it with me.

If a pb decides to make a run for it, I let him. He’ll come back after a few days stumbling around in the tall grass of my yard, full of the eggs of some insect or just so desperately lost and hungry that he begs me to stuff him as much as I want if it means I help him.

Sometimes it takes a couple of times before they give up. The ones who’ve become big nests usually stay after the first time but those who just got lost might try again. Of course, they all come back in the end and stop trying eventually. Why would they want to leave the place where at least the thing filling them has no sharp pincers and where the food is unlimited and their little beds are warm?

Sick and Hurting Tummies (11)

There’s always something worse out there that would love to impregnate a stray pocket boy… they should learn quickly that despite whatever you do with them, they’re better of with you then the scary wilderness outside

ask anonymous mpreg pocket boy belly kink preg + stuffing anon

Anonymous asked:

I recently noticed that cherry tomato’s just look like big, veiny bellies that are stretched to the point of translucency. They even look like this have a little belly button sticking out lol

Sick and Hurting Tummies (12)

hmm yeah i can kinda see that hehe, a bunch of little plant boys with big red tummies straining around all that fruit, begging to be picked

ask anonymous mpreg plant preg belly kink
Sick and Hurting Tummies (2024)


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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.